I’m about to fling my baby bird out of the nest. My older son, Ethan, is headed to the wilds of middle school right after Labor Day, and I’m remembering a stark thought that I had in a pang of early … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2014
Data, Data Everywhere, and No One Knows What It Means
SCENE FIVE JUDGE Plaintiff Lawyer, please call your next witness. PLAINTIFF LAWYER Yes your Honor we call Parent Pat to the stand. (Parent Pat takes the stand and is sworn in) PLAINTIFF … [Read more...]
The Cross Examination of the Power Variable
SCENE FOUR CROSS EXAMINATION OF THE POWER VARIABLE JUDGE Defendant Lawyer, you may cross - examine Teacher Terry. DEFENDANT LAWYER Thank you Your Honor. (TO TEACHER TERRY) Ms. Terry, it seems … [Read more...]
The Power Variable in Shared Decision-Making
SCENE THREE PLAINTIFF (CALLS TEACHER TERRY TO THE STAND) PLAINTIFF’S LAWYER Teacher Terry, I understand that you have been a member of your school’s shared decision team from its … [Read more...]