SCENE FIVE JUDGE Plaintiff Lawyer, please call your next witness. PLAINTIFF LAWYER Yes your Honor we call Parent Pat to the stand. (Parent Pat takes the stand and is sworn in) PLAINTIFF … [Read more...]
The Cross Examination of the Power Variable
SCENE FOUR CROSS EXAMINATION OF THE POWER VARIABLE JUDGE Defendant Lawyer, you may cross - examine Teacher Terry. DEFENDANT LAWYER Thank you Your Honor. (TO TEACHER TERRY) Ms. Terry, it seems … [Read more...]
The Power Variable in Shared Decision-Making
SCENE THREE PLAINTIFF (CALLS TEACHER TERRY TO THE STAND) PLAINTIFF’S LAWYER Teacher Terry, I understand that you have been a member of your school’s shared decision team from its … [Read more...]
The Defense of Principal Lawrence Lipservice
SCENE TWO PRINCIPAL LAWRENCE LIPSERVICE’S LAWYER’S RESPONSE DEFENDANT LAWYER (rises) Thank you your Honor. (Faces jurors) Your Honor, members of the jury--I can save my rhetoric for closing … [Read more...]
Stakeholders versus Principal Lawrence Lipservice
Walking the Talk When Using High Involvement Principles in Shared Planning and Decision Making SETTING: COURTROOM: THE AUDIENCE IS FILLED WITH A SCHOOL BUILDING’S STAKEHOLDERS, i.e. TEACHERS, … [Read more...]
Walking the Walk, Not Just Talking the Talk in Shared Decision-Making
How many unproductive meetings have you presided over or been a part of? a) none, something I am part of never fails b) a few, now and then, but never any that I lead c) all of them, … [Read more...]
Spreadsheet Decision Making, the If – Then in Action
Goldilocks has been feeling her oats lately and has also begun to challenge her parents on the kinds of things children typically begin to challenge their parents on since the days of Fred Flintstone. … [Read more...]
Why Not You?
Every day administrators are faced with making decisions. And sometimes, in the process of making those decisions, administrators think “why me” instead of “why not me”. The calls, emails, and visits … [Read more...]
Negative School Climate: Looking Out the Window versus Looking in the Mirror
School leaders and practitioners read and hear much about the importance of a positive school climate and culture, and how it is a critical element in school effectiveness and success. Too often, the … [Read more...]
Mastering the Mastery Matrix: Teacher Perspective
Mastering the Mastery Matrix: Teacher Perspective I am a Concord University student, and I have been student teaching at River View High School in McDowell County, WV, for several weeks. Clearly, the … [Read more...]